Song of the Week!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Hey guys! It's Kim and today i'll just be posting the new outfits in store because there's really no updates at the moment, but i'll be posting something a.s.a.p. because there is a quest about love, cupid, and angels! Valentines day will be here soon and guess what? Jay and Mya are real! Woah :) ok ok stick around for more post!

- Wander <3

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Hidden items in Shopz! *Kim/Wander*

Hey guys! It's Kim and today i'll be sharing a very cool secret! Possibly a bunch of the users on WzW already know this but there are hidden items in shopz! What I mean by hidden is that: it's not under tabs. Well some are, but the good stuff isn't put under tabs c':

So i'll list some of the names of the what not items/outfits there are that are hidden! I mounted them into three categories : Summer/Winter/and Halloween etc.

Flower Bikini 
Logan Wooz

Blue Whisperer 
Belle Ball

Classicz' GF's
Arctic Fest 2013
Anything with ARTIC in it's name basically ^
Rockstar Collection

Long nose venetian mask
Evil Spirit Mask - Long Hair

Evil Spirit Mask - Skull


There were many things that I couldn't count in on 1 thing I guess ..  Sorry about that! ;w;

I hope you enjoyed reading this post cx .. Stick around for more post! 
- Kim/Wander <33

P.S. I couldn't put in pictures because I thought it would take up too much of the post, since there were sOoOoOoOo many pictures... XD!

New outfits - Late post! Sorry ;w; *Kim/Wander*

Hey guys! It's Kim and today i'll be posting this week's outfits! Sorry for this late post, because outfits normally come out on Thursday's * I was busy at school ;w;..... so ya! Let's get on with the post, anywho !

So WzW made new outfits, but in they have the same thing in the ten pack, and there's only two girl outfits, and two boy outfits. Similar to last week's outfits, they re-used them in the packs. If you don't understand what I mean by that just check the post leading to last week's outfit, post :').

Here are the outfits! :

Tysm for reading! Stick around for more posts!

~ Kim/Wander <33

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

New VIP gift! *Wander*

Hey guys! It's Wander (a.k.a. Kim), i'll go by my name after on this post c':

And today c'; I'll be posting the new 'gift' for the VIP's! Only if you buy and pass up to the VIP month 8. I'm not there yet but I know that i'll get there soon because you end up with it if you pass up to the 8th month and i'm on month 3 adding on the 4th since I have like 40 days left :')

So ya! Here's a picture of the new VIP gift c': :

So ya! I hope you stick around to read more of my  post c:
Tysm for reading! Bye for now kitties :o Enjoy the blog!

- Wander (a.k.a Kim) <3

P.S. The item has a hoodie that I am iffy yet I like hehe, it's already February WzW! Lol!

Monday, February 1, 2016

How do I feel about the new woozworld outifts?

Hey Guys, It's been a while (jk i'm more behind the scenes of the blog) but, today I'll be talking about how do I (yes me) feel about these new outfits.
1st of all: To be really honest, The only outfit I'm obsessed with would be the Niva outfit. I L-O-V-E the hair.
2nd of all: I feel as if Woozworld could have tried detaling the jackets a bit more, and not using the Yeti/Urban Bootz for inspiration.
With the Niva outfit you can see the SAME boots woozworld recreated. It's like 2012/2013 again when they used Yeti Boots but changed the name to Urban. Is that happening again?
3rd of all: Whenever I see the new outfits, I feel very's very dull and boring. 0 sparkle or shine to those outifts.
That's all I could come up for today! Please have a great day and let's hope that groundhog will see it's shadow??? (It won' me)